Tel. 02331 / 3 48 88 - 0


As a growing tax consultancy we are always looking for well-qualified and motivated colleagues who share our dedication to providing excellent service to clients and partners. We operate in a friendly environment of trust and respect – for each other, our clients, and any/all third parties. We offer a modern and comfortable office atmosphere and commensurate compensation. We are currently seeking to fill the following roles as either full or part-time positions, and happily accept applications from candidates with the appropriate qualifications.

Steuerfachangestellte/r – Assistant Tax Consultant / Tax Clerk
Our Steuerfachangestellte/r is responsible for financial accounting and payroll accounting, and for the independent completion of tax returns for both businesses and private individuals.
Additionally, those in this position will be expected to prepare and execute annual financial accounting for select clients.

Buchhalter/in – Bookkeeper / Accountant
Bookkeepers are solely responsible for the financial accounting, and ideally also the payroll accounting, for specific clients.

Please send applications (Bewerbungsunterlagen) in PDF format to

We look forward to hearing from you!